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What payment plans are available?
When you sign up, there are three different payment plans you can choose from. You can choose to pay month-to-month or you can pre-pay for 6 or 12 months.

If you choose month-to-month, you must pay with a credit card. You credit card will be billed once per month automatically. This automatic billing occurs on the morning of the second day of each month.

If you choose to prepay, WebSTAT will charge you according to the number of page views your site will receive over the next 6 or 12 months. You buy page views for the whole period, so don’t worry if one month you are under and another month you are over. If you sign up with a credit card, you can have your account set up to auto renew. At the end of every subscription period, it will automatically renew your account. If you do not have your account set up to auto renew, you will have to renew your account manually.

When you sign up, we will ask you how many page views you expect to receive. If you do not know, it is recommended that you first sign up for a trial account. This can be done at the sign up menu or by simply choosing “Don’t Know”, for the number of page views. After the trial period, WebSTAT will give a recommendation of how many page views you should buy. If you know your site will receive more or less, you do not have to take our recommendation and you can adjust the amount to suit your needs.

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