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Installing WebSTAT with FrontPage or DreamWeaver
It is suggested not to use these editors to insert the code tags. Instead, use a pure text editor, such as NotePad.

These editors or any other editors that allow you to create web pages visually without having to learn HTML to create them, usually have several different 'modes' of editing.

Depending on which editor your are using, there are different names for these modes and different ways of switching between these modes. Some editors have tabs at the bottom of the page that allow you to switch from one mode to another. Other editors allow you to switch from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Look under categories such as View or Insert.

When most people are editing their code, they are in the Visual/Design mode. In order to insert our code tags, you must be in the HTML/Source/Code mode. If you cannot find out where the HTML/Source/Code mode is on your editor, contact us and tell us exactly which editor you are using.

After you see your web page's source code, look for the body tags. You must paste the code tags after the opening body tag <body> and before the closing body tag </body>.

After pasting the code tags into your web page, save your web page and upload it to your web site. If you are a Basic site, or you choose to show the counter, you should see just the icon or counter. If you are using invisible tracking, you should not see anything.

If you can see the code tags on your page, then you did not paste the code tags in HTML/Source/Code mode. Take the code tags out and paste them in HTML/Source/Code mode.

If you get a JavaScript error, you probably didn't paste the code tags in it's entirety. Take out the previous code tags and place them in exactly as we give them to you. We cannot guarantee the correct operation of our code tags if they have been altered.

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