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Report Options
If you don't like the way that our report looks, you can change it. WebSTAT offers several different options to get exactly the report that you would like.

1. Log into WebSTAT.
2. Click on “Report Options”
3. From there, you will be able to make the following choices:

Long Text Entries: You can truncated long text entries with ellipses (...) or word wrapped to the next line. Truncating will cut off the last part of the url or page name. This avoids extra clutter and keeps all of your statistics on one line. The full url or page name is still viewable by running the mouse over the line. Word wrapping will add extra lines, but it will allow you to see the full url or page name.

URL Display: You can choose to display report URLs as the fully qualified URL path, stripped of 'http://www.' (similar pages merged), or stripped of tracked domains.

Automatic Image Charts Display: You can disable your charts, allowing faster load time and more emphasis on numbers, or enable your chart, allowing a quicker, more visual analysis of your statistics. To manually disable a chart for a certain graph, click the button above the chart. To manually enable your chart, click the respective icon for pie graphs, bar graphs, or for line graphs.

Image Chart Format: You can display the chart as FLASH (interactive mouse-over images) or GIF (non-interactive images.)

Chart Color Schema: Choose the schema that works best for you.

Pattern Fill Pie Charts: This fills your chart with patterns rather than colors to distinguish different parts of the pie graph. This is advisable if you are colorblind or for whatever reason cannot distinguish the colors on the chart.

4. Click on "Update Changes" button to save your changes.

If everything works correctly, you should get a screen that says "Your changes have been successfully saved for this account!"

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