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Search Engine
This report shows you the top referrals from search engines in order of popularity. This can help you determine which search engines are sending you the most traffic. Based on that information, you may decide to concentrate on optimizing your site for the most popular search engines, or, perhaps, focus on other search engines where your presence is weak.

Note: These are results from search engines searching the web. This does not pay per clicks, sponsered links or directories. It is recommended that you track these using Campaign Tracking.

This report can help you determine which pages on your website are being viewed by your visitors. The list of URLs is displayed in descending order of popularity, based on page views or visitors. It is defaulted to show visitors, but this can be changed in the Report Header. Charts based on the number of visitors will answer the question “How many people found my page through this search engine?” and charts based on the number of page views will answer the question “How many pages were seen by people who came in through this search engine?”

If the page views are not significantly more than number of visitors, this probably means that the search engine is atracting the wrong type of people. You may what to reconsider your marketing strategy.

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