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Visitor Details
The Visitor Details Report has a different header than most reports. It still contains the reporting period, the day and time the report was generated and the graph and download options. In addition, this report may contain any of the following information:

  • Filters: This will show you the current filter. Filter will only show Visitor Details for that pass the set filter. It will show what criteria it is filtering by, whether by Country, Visited Page or IP address. In order to see all the visitor details for a reporting period, click on the "Turn Off Current Filter" link.
  • Order Visitors: The default is set to order visitors in ascending order (the oldest visitor first). You can also view it in descending order (newest visitor first).
  • Showing Results: If you have more than one page of visitors, you can go to whatever page you want and you can customize how many results are seen per page.

The Visitor Details Report gives you detailed information on each visitor, including the following information:
  • Visitor IP Address: This is the IP address from which the visitor is coming. It is from this that we get the geographical information. The IP address does not distinctly identify the visitor. Some visitors use a different IP address everytime they log in. Others are hooked up to a network and have several computers using the same IP address. The most common IP addresses can be found in the Most Active Vistors.
  • Visit Start Time: This is the time when the visitor first downloaded a page off of your site. If the visitor had visited before, it will show how long it has been since their last visit.
  • Visit End Time: This is the last time that a visitor downloaded a page off of your site, not the time they stopped viewing it. If they only saw one page, the start and end time could be the same.
  • Referrer: A referrer is a page off of your website that has a link to your page. The Referrer is the page your visitor went through to find your site. Sometimes, this will report No Referrer.
  • Search Engine/Keyword(s): If the referrer is a Search Engine, this will show which search engine and what key word(s) were typed in to find it. This is different from a pay per click.
  • Campaign/Event/Time: If the page view triggers an event, then it will notify you that an event has occured and the campaign it belongs to, what event that is, and the time it occured.
  • # Of Pages Visited: This shows how many pages that visitor has visited for the entire day.
  • OS: This tells you which operating system they used.
  • Browser: This tells you which browser they use.
  • JavaScript/Cookies: This tells you which version of JavaScript your visitors use and whether or not they accept cookies.
  • Monitor Resolution/Color Depth: This tells the resolution their screen is set to and how many colors they can see.
  • ISP/Organization: This shows the company that your visitor used to get on the internet.
  • Country: This shows the city, region, and country that the ISP address is coming from. (Not necessarily the user)
  • Language: This is what the user sets on his browser, not necessarily his native tounge. They may or may not define a certain dialect (ie English from United States vs. from England)
  • Timezone: This shows how many hours they are off from GMT (Greenich Mean Time, or the time in Greenich, England)
  • Visitor Path: This shows the path the user follows. It shows each page they looked at and for how long.

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