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Do you track 100% of the visitors.
Although we track almost all of your visitors, we do not and can not track 100% of them. With whatever tracking system you use, there will always be some visitors that slip through the cracks. Here are some reasons why a visitor may not be tracked (which is common to all site trackers):

1) Our code tags could have been modified. If our code tags have been modified, either through you or your developer, we cannot accurately track the visits to your site. Make sure that the code tags are inserted properly.

2) Our code tags might not be installed on all of the pages. If your visitor visits a page that doesn't have our code tags, we will not be able to track it.

3) They could have disabled images. If their browser does not load images, we cannot track them.

4) They could have opened your site, and then left your site before it was completely loaded. If our code tags aren't executed, then we cannot track your visitors. This is especially a problem if you have a large site or they have a slow connection. Click here to see what you can do to fix this.

5) They could have blocked our tracking. If someone does not want to be tracked, we can't track them. Their firewall could have block tracking, or they could have implemented DNS blackholing. Most personal computers do not routinely block tracking, but some bigger companies are particularly concerned with security and will use block tracking.

6) There could have been a problem with the user's browser. Our code is standards compliant and works on almost all browsers. However, people do use non standards compliant browsers and those may not properly execute our code tags.

7) Thay may not have JavaScript enabled. If they turn off the JavaScript, we will be able to report what pages they saw, but not much else about them.

8) There could have been another problem. We are not perfect and our code is not perfect, nor is any one else. There will be a few unexplained errors, and we will look into all that we can. However, we will never be able to make the statistics 100% accurate.

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