Changing My Site Profile |
It is important to make sure we have the most current information on file for you, especially your email address. If we do not have a current email address, we can't respond to your questions or notify you of potential problems with your account like overdue payment. This is also the way we identify who you are. To update any personal information, just follow these steps:
- Log into WebSTAT
- Click on icon that says "Site Profile"
- Make the necessary changes to your personal information. The following is a list of changes you can make:
- Web Site Name
- Web Site URL
- User Name
- Password
- Category
- First Name
- Last Name
- Street Address
- City
- State/Province
- Zip Code
- Country
- Phone
- Fax
- Email Address
- Click on the "Update Changes" button to save your changes.
If everything works correctly, you should get a screen that says "Your changes have been successfully saved for this account!"
Note: Changing the user name and password here will only change your site account. To change your Master
Account username and password, go to Edit Master Account. |
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