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Counter Options
As a WebSTAT customer, you have the option of having a counter on your page. Premium customers may choose to have invisible tracking and Basic customers may choose to show a WebSTAT icon. To change what is being shown on your page, follow these steps:

1. Log into WebSTAT.
2. Click on “Counter Options”
3. From there, you have access to the following configuration options:

Preset your counter. If you want to carry over an existing number of visitors or page views to you WebSTAT counter, enter a preset number (this number will be added to the total number of page views or visitors and then displayed on your counter).

Option to display by total page views or by visitors.

Choose the Counter Style. This is where you can choose between a couple dozen counter styles, the WebSTAT logo button (for Basic accounts) or an invisible tracking image (for Premium accounts).

4. Click on "Update Settings" to save your changes.

Once you save your counter settings, it automatically goes into effect. You will not have to alter the WebSTAT code tags that are already on your web pages to get the counter to display.

Note: You cannot configure the counter to look different on each page or show different numbers.

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