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What happens when Basic customers surpass 20,000 page views
20,000 page views is the maximum number of pages that we allow our Basic customers. That is a high amount of traffic for a website. We stop tracking your page views at that number. You do not have to do anything, but a more comprehensive package could help sustain your website's growth. Here are a couple of options.

1. You could do nothing. We will stop tracking your pages once it hits 20,000, and then we will start tracking the next month. If this happens towards the end of the month, you won't loose a lot of statistics.

2. You could upgrade. A better understanding of your website's growth can help your company grow. By understanding your customers and their navigation habits, you will learn how to meet their needs and help your company soar.

If you have not had a Trial account before, we can upgrade you to a free two week Trial period. You will get all of the reports and features without having to pay a cent. We won't even collect any financial information from you during this period. At the end of your Yrial account, when you fall in love with our service, our program will tell you how many page views you should buy.

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