What are frames?
Article ID: 98
Created On: 07 Jan 2005
Author: Joshua Johanson

Frames are a way to display several web pages on one web page. The web page is divided into different frames, or screens. Each frame contains a complete web page.

The main page contains information on how the other pages are divided up and which web page goes into which frame. This page does not receive any WebSTAT code.

Frames typically have the content pages in the middle, with navigation pages around it. Content pages are the pages that the users look at, that hold your content, and are being linked to. These are the only pages that need the WebSTAT code.

Navigation pages can be a header bar on top, a footer on the bottom, and/or a navigation bar on the side with links to your different content pages. These pages usually remain the same regardless of where the visitor moves on your framed website. Since these navigation pages never change, it is advisable to not put the WebSTAT code on these pages.